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2023-12-16 16:04:58



  Some 2,774 cyclists from the UK, US Canada, Australia and New Zealand were surveyed, along with 539 swimmers and 789 runners, using a range of questionnaires that measured sexual health and urinary function.参加调查的男性包括来自英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰的2774名骑行爱好者,539名游泳爱好者和789名跑步爱好者。研究人员设计了一系列问题,根据搜集的答案衡量受访者的性健康和泌尿系统功能状况。Sexual health and urinary function were comparable in all three groups, researchers said, although some cyclists were more prone to urethral strictures - a narrowing of the urethra.There was also no statistically significant difference between high intensity cyclists - those who have cycled for more than two years more than three times per week and averaging more than 25 miles per day - and recreational cyclists.(指每周三次以上、每天平均骑行超过25英里j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌、坚持时间超过两年的人)和偶尔骑着玩儿的人之间的数据也

  cyclists who stood more than 20% of the time while cycling had significantly lower odds of experiencing genital numbness afterwards, compared to cyclists who never stand. → 骑单车时站立时间超过20%的人j9九游会真人游戏第一品牌,生殖器发生麻木的概率要低得多Benjamin Breyer, a professor at the University of California, San Francisco and researcher on the study, advises cyclists to take steps to avoid numbness after long cycles.“Certainly, just sitting on the couch or in front of the computer eight hours a day is the worst thing for your sexual and overall health.”
